Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lottery by Catherine Lim(Little Ironies)

In this story , Ah Boh the main character has various superstitions regarding gambling.
Among which are : cat's weight ,baby's choice of numbers,license plate number of cars involved in accidents .festive seasons.
I shall explain the superstitions one by one.
1) Cat's Weight .
There is no relation between the cat's weight and gambling or luck . This is just a mere superstition with no relation at all .
2) Baby's Choice of numbers.
There are many superstitions revolving around this issue . be it birthday boy/girl , animals or even dead people .This may be in a waylucky as each of these subjects are special ...I think.
3)License Plate Numbers ogf cars involved in accidents .
I personally think this is very sadistic . To bring yourself luck on other's misfortune . There may alsobe another way of viewing this . If the person involved in the accident dies , it can be a way to offer some money to the person sothat he can use it in the other world . In other words , comfort and condelescence.
4)Festive Seasons
It is quite natural to buy on festive season such as weddings .
Share with me your views on this issue:D

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